... But it can be"
Hey everyone! The kids are in bed, all my work is done, so now I can get to writing today! Many (if not all) of us should recognize this line from a video we saw in class at the beginning of the semester. It is from an amazing show called The Newsroom, and it brings up a good point: America is no longer the greatest country in the world. That may be an unpopular opinion to have, as I can already hear the lynching mobs forming outside my apartment window as I type this, but I believe it still holds true.
Let me begin by saying that I am obviously not a very political person; I did not vote in the last election, I rarely ever watch the news unless it's an article that someone posted on Facebook that I just happen to see on my Timeline and I somehow am curious enough to click on it to read it, and I could almost care less about most of what Congress is currently doing (probably another unpopular opinion, but I won't pretend that I'm involved in politics just for the sake of this blog).
While I may not be much into politics, I am into the people of this nation; I care very strongly for everyone in this world. Our generation almost has this sense of "heroism" to it, we have an innate desire to stand up against all that is wrong in the world, whether it's human trafficking, gender inequality, saving the planet, slavery, the list continues. And I also believe that there is a reason we all have this desire within us, but that is a conversation for another time. Right now, I believe that to change the world, we first need to change the way the government is being ran. V for Vendetta is a great movie that I would highly recommend watching, and it produces a really good quote from it too: "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." The Constitution we have in place makes it so that power cannot be taken away from the people, that if we have a problem with the way that the government is being ran, then we can rise up and change that peacefully (I'm looking at you, protesters of the Trump inauguration. He's not my favorite guy either, but was breaking the windows at Krispy Kreme really necessary?? Anyway, moving on....). It's almost as if we want a revolution to get behind, but we're settling for all these small, detrimental ones instead of getting behind the real ones that matter, like against gerrymandering and corrupt politicians. I believe that if we are to ever change the world, then we have to do it together or it will never work out.
Love you all, be safe!
-Austin D.